Rule of the day: protect all small thing you have already done/ prepearded. Nevertheless it is much easier to BEGIN FROM THE BIG SURFACES WITHOUT DESTROYING THE SMALLER!

Afterall if you have done thr same mistake the solution might take too much of your effort but here it is: 1.plastic bruch
3.vetex/ or any other fabric
4.liquid polishing for wooden froors
***For the ones that wonder what these black spots are on tge floor: The original polish of the wood has been gone (too long to remember- by the previous owner). I didn't get any chance to fix it yet.
There was no previous owner!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThere was no previous owner!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήWell since I remember myself this floor was damaged.... And I was not the one who damaged it!